Sunday, January 30, 2011

Willie said it well

“Why, what’s the matter,
That you have such a February face,
So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?” (William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing)

What's good about a truncated month? In February's case - not a lot. Oh well - there's Groundhog Day on February 2nd - the midpoint between Winter and Spring - to give us hope that the cold, damp, dark winter days will pass soon. And, there's Shrove Tuesday - I mean, who doesn't like pancakes? There's Valentine's Day - a time to celebrate love and lovers and faith in 'forever after'.

And, in my case, it's the month in which my first grandchild, Mattias, was born. My sister Dawn's birthday falls in February too. Both are occasions I like to celebrate.

So, all of those occasions at least help to pass the time through what, for some strange reason, seems to be the most dismal of months. We often get our coldest temperatures in 'heart' month, but according to the website, February boasts the fewest days of precipitation. Of course, when we DO get precipitation, it's usually in the form of a massive dump of snow, just to remind us that Mother Nature Rules and winter is NOT over yet.

When that happens, I find it helps to curl up by the fireplace, put some music on the stereo and read and sleep until it's over. Forays into the 'wilderness' with the pooch to take care of his physical needs represent my attempts to 'get outside'.

February truly is the longest short month.

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