Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No thaw in January

Baby, it's cold outside! According to the thermometer we hung in a tree outside the dining room window the ambient temperature has ranged from -15C to -27C in the last 48 hours. Add a wee breeze and we're talking cold, folks! If I'd wanted to live in the Antarctic, I would have! I am not a winter person. Period. Bundling up like the Pillsbury doughboy just to take the dog out to piddle doesn't make me a happy camper. I do try to make the best of it - but, admittedly, grudgingly. I much prefer the chair by the fireplace, cat happily ensconced on my lap.

That said, last week-end I did brave a nasty winter storm to head up to Fredericton and participate in the annual "January Thaw Equine Expo". Despite the snow, lousy driving conditions, high winds and blustery whiteouts, approximately 50 exhibitors managed to get there and get set up in time for the 9:a.m. opening on Saturday.

Saturday dawned clear, but it was the beginning of the current nasty cold snap. Nevertheless, several hundred horse enthusiasts managed to dig out and get down to the Capital Exhibition Centre to attend the Expo, say hi to old friends, make some new ones and take in the many displays and demonstrations offered throughout the day. The event, now in its fourth year, was organized by Karen Thomas of Northstream Tack and Brenda Noble of Holiday Ranch Ltd. As usual, the two ladies did an amazing job of pulling it all together. The $2 admission plus funds raised from various on-site raffles garnered over $3500 for the area chapter of the NB Children's Wish Foundation.

I offered a few photo shoots as prizes. Linda Clark of Norton won the draw at my booth, and I'm still waiting to find out who the winners were at the Children's Wish Foundation booth and the Earth Spirit Horse Rescue booth.

Shows like this are a lot of work for the exhibitors too. It takes a long time to decide what to put in your booth and how to decorate. Then there's the set up (and the tear-down when you're exhausted). Finally, the visitors come through the door and you stand, and stand, and stand some more oh hard cement floors - smiling and greeting customers and potential customers with as much enthusiasm as your aching legs and back will allow. And after it's all over, the decorations taken down and packed up and the long drive home on a cold winter night has ended - there's nothing like a good hot bath and your very own bed to restore life to aching muscles. And on we go - gearing up for the next show - the annual Equine Review in Sussex on the week-end of May 1st. See you there?

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